On the small isle of Molarotto lives a lizard, unique in its species and in the world, called Podarcis tiliguerta ranzii in its scientific name, which has a particular blue colouring different from its subspecies.
Progetto di tutela degli ambienti insulari dalle specie aliene invasive.
Environmental protection and improvement, Education, Communication, Awareness and Promotion of sustainable development.
AMP Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo is a node of Sardinia Regional Network for Marine Fauna Conservation
The Marine Protected Area of Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo was established in the north-east of Sardinia on 12 December 1997 by decree of the Ministry of Environment.
It is managed by a consortium among the towns of Olbia, Loiri Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro.
The important natural values, enriched by a spectacular landscape make this area of international importance for conservation.
The Area Management, in recent years, has implemented significant measures to protect guided by a new philosophy that supports the care and protection of the territory, the idea of a use sustainable in the long run. From this perspective, the Consortium Management has provided, in the activities of monitoring and scientific research, shares with important aspects of communication and education targeted at potential users.
The National Manager of 'A.M.P. presents itself as a privileged interlocutor of both the local community and a many visitors, aware that only the shared responsibility and the construction of scenarios management and protection of territory are really particular in use and may have a lasting fallout.
So we invite you to discover the Marine Protected Area of Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo, so you can enjoy the opportunity to contemplate an environment still intact, reminding everyone that the nature asks us continue undisturbed respect for his great work. Welcome!
Partly cloudy Temperature: 24°C Humidity: 88% Wind: moderate - NNE 24 km/h Updated at 16:20
© 2011 “Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo"
via Dante 1, Olbia (OT) - 07026 Sardegna
Tel. 0789/203013 - Fax: 0789/204514 - [email protected]