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Rete Regionale per la conservazione della Fauna Marina SardegnaAMP Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo is a node of Sardinia Regional Network for Marine Fauna Conservation

If you find an animal in trouble please call:
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The Marine Protected Area has prepared various information points throughout the territory to inform and sensitize visitors on existing rules and environmental value of the area. They based in San Teodoro, at I. CI.MAR (Institute of Civilization Sea), and Porto San Paolo, at the Pro Loco and CRiMM (Marine Mammals Research Centre).

The info-point inform the audience on the activities and promote institutional initiatives summer by Area Manager, with particular attention to educational activities and communication directed at tourists. To promote the discovery of the territory, the Area Manager also promotes various activities of nature tourism, which range dall'immersione diving excursions to dolphing watching.
Here is the list of companies authorised to operate within dell'Area Marina and offering services naturalistic tourism:

Sea Services
Diving authorized
Authorized trip to the islands
Activities rental-lease vessels




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©  2011 “Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo"

via Dante 1, Olbia (OT) - 07026 Sardegna
 Tel. 0789/203013 - Fax: 0789/204514 - [email protected]


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